‘The Inside McJob’ is a blog devoted to the struggles of all workers, but especially workers in the low-paid, poorly unionised service sector, loosely categorised as ‘McJobs’.

The aim is to build on what workers have done in countries such as New Zealand and France, by organising in the workplace, joining trade unions and taking coordinated militant action against our petty managers by striking and occupying.

McDonald’s is particularly well known for its complete and utter contempt for trade unions and workers’ organisation. At least many workplaces are allowed openly a union noticeboard, even if their officials do little or nothing for them. In our crew room no such noticeboard exists to even tack up ‘Rights at Work’ information, and managers would surely find it laughable if you asked, especially if you seem to be the only militant in your workplace.

Discussion among colleagues is hard enough when managers are constantly breathing down your neck and everyone starts shifts at different times and takes breaks whenever they are ordered to. This is why ‘The Inside McJob’ exists, to act as a open space for communication without having to whisper in the locker room, whilst constantly looking over your shoulder. We can also use it to discuss and eventually coordinate our actions against the managers, poor working conditions, long hours, measly pay and precariousness many millions of young workers live with every day – and that’s if they can get a job!

If you have just found this blog, feel free to comment and contribute your experiences of your McJob, whether you work the tills, flip burgers or care for the elderly. Let’s stand together and show the bosses we really mean business.

Let the slogan “ANGRY, YOUNG AND POOR, WE WON’T TAKE IT ANY MORE!” resonate all over the world, even if just from this staring point on the internet. From here, to the streets, and then in the faces of our managers. Put simply: who needs ’em?

Viva La (Mc)Revolution!!

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