This is the very first post in what I hope will be many.

The Inside McJob™ is a blog dedicated to organising and coordinating the resistance of super-exploited workers in McJobs all over the world. All posts will be by McD’s workers or from other workers with similar experiences of systematic exploitation at the hands of profit-hungry bosses with no regard for workers’ rights or paying decent wages, especially since most of those in McJobs are young, and are often already debt-ridden students.

The intention is to use the blog as a space for discussion of problems and grievances, as well as a place to organise meetings and circulate ideas about how we can fight Ronald McDonald and his minions.

The main aims are:
* to expose corruption and mistreatment by managers at work
* to explain why and how we can fight through rank and file organisation in trade unions, workplace commitees and direct action (such as strikes and stunts)
* to fight for equal pay for equal work and against the ageist and measly minimum wage which seeks only to divide us
* to link up with workers in other workplaces with similar problems – to unite and fight with  common goals to overcome the exploitation, misery, poverty and tyranny of capitalism
* to educate all workers in their basic rights at work under the current system and explain a programme for pushing forward to democratic workers’ control

All these will be set out in more detail in the forthcoming perspectives/aims document.

All posts will be anonymous.

The blog does not discriminate!

Forward to the victorious McRevolution!